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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Math- Circles

This is a thing you have to learn in 7th grade. To find the area of a circle. The formula is pi (3.14) multiply by radius squared. It's easy. Easier than finding Circumference.

Magic The Gathering

Magic the Gathering is a fun but challenging game. The game mainly starts with the race to see who can deal the post damage to your opponent. Magic is also a game of luck, but there is no gambling. You only have to be lucky on the cards you draw. Your deck is called a library, it contains land which you use for mana. To get mana, simply tap the card, shifting it to its side. To determine the amount of mana you spend, look at the top right hand corner, you will see some signs that tell you which types of land to play. If you see a number in a gray circle, that is the amount of lands you need to perform the summon. You can only play 1 land per turn.

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